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The side panel is the main navigation for the new Adjust platform design. In terms of visual hierarchy, it is on top of all other regular content or components on the page. Modal dialogs may overlay the side panel.


Live Editor

Sub Components

The navigation component is based on two sub-components (NavSection and NavItem) and is responsible for rendering Navigation items in the proper place with the proper styles.

The NavSection component is used for rendering the first-level navigation elements.


idstring | numberProp to provide a unique ID to the component.
titlestringProp to provide nav section title value
brand"datascape" | "pulse" | "campaign_lab" | "dataworks" | "appview"Prop to provide a brand icon for the NavSection
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid
childrenReactNodeProp to provide to second and thirdlevel nav items. Please use only NavItem component as a child element.
isActivebooleanProp to define the item as the active item.
onClick(id: IDtype, isExpanded: boolean) => voidA callback function to inform the parent component with the item id and expanded state on click
onMouseEnter(id: IDtype, isExpanded: boolean) => voidA callback function to inform parent component with the item id and expanded state on mouse enter
expandWithHoverbooleanA boolean value to activate expanding on hover to item

The NavItem component is used for rendering the first-level navigation elements.


idstring | numberProp to provide a unique ID to the component.
titlestringProp to provide nav section title value
brand"datascape" | "pulse" | "campaign_lab" | "dataworks" | "appview"Prop to provide nav section brand icon
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid
childrenReactNodeProp to provide to second and thirdlevel nav items. Please use only NavItem component as a child element.
isActivebooleanProp to define the item as the active item.
onClick(id: IDtype, isExpanded: boolean) => voidA callback function to inform parent component with the item id and expanded state on click
expandWithHoverbooleanA boolean value to activate expanding on hover to item
type'headline' | 'headline-labeled' | 'plain'Prop to identify the type of the nav item.
tooltipContentstring | ReactNodeProp to display tooltip with the nav item


The Account control component for the SidePanel.

childrenReactNodeProp to provide the items for the Account dropdown menu. Please useActionItem component as child element
namestringProp to provide account name
titlestringProp to provide title for the account name
actionReactNodeProp to provide action button for the account dropdown of expanded state of SidePanel
footerActionsReactNodeProp to provide action buttons for the account dropdown's footer of expanded state of SidePanel
tooltipTitlestringProp to provide the tooltip content
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid
isActivebooleanProp to make account action items active


The Action Menu is a component used for rendering items in the dropdown. To render the items in the action menu with the proper style, please use the ActionMenuItem sub-component within.

iconIconNameProp to provide an icon as ActionMenu trigger.
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid
childrenReactNodeProp to provide the dropdown content for the Action Menu. To render the items in the action menu with the proper style, please use the ActionMenuItem sub-component
isActivebooleanProp to make ActionMenu opened
onToggle(isExpanded: boolean) => voidA callback function to inform parent component with the item expanded state.
footerReactNodeThe footer part of the action menu. You can provide a Button for this area. Please use only two buttons here, as in the example. And use only the Atlas Button component. This prop should be used only for the Account component content.
actionReactNodeProp to use an action button for the Account area dropdown content. Please use only the Atlas Button component shown in the example


The Action Menu item is the sub component of SidePanel's ActionMenu. you can use the following props with the component.

idstring | numberProp to provide a unique ID to the component.
isActivebooleanProp to define the item as the active item.
iconIconNameProp to add icon to action menu item
onClick(id: IDtype) => voidA callback function to inform parent component with the clicked item id.
childrenReactNodeItem content


The Language selector component for the SidePanel.

childrenReactNodeProp to provide the item content
activeLanguagestringProp to provide the selected language value.
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid default:sidepanel-language-selector
tooltipTitlestringProp to provide the tooltip content


The Language selector item sub component

childrenReactNodeProp to provide the item content
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid default:sidepanel-language-selector
isActivebooleanProp to define the item as the active item.
onClick(id: IDtype) => voidA callback function to inform parent component with the clicked item id.


A component renders the actions in the SidePanel's footer area.

childrenReactNodeProp to provide the item content
tooltipTitlestringProp to provide the tooltip content
onToggleFooterActionMenu(isVisible: boolean) => voidA callback function to inform parent component with the footer action expand/collapse state.
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid


A component renders an IconButton action item in the footer area.

childrenReactNodeProp to provide the item content
isActivebooleanProp to define the item as the active item.
iconIconNameProp to define the icon for action item.
valuestringProp to define title for action item.
onClick(id?: IDtype) => voidA callback function to inform parent component with the clicked item id
dataTestIdstringProp to provide to unique data-testid
notificationCountnumberProp to provide to notification count and badge to action item. Please use only with the Resource Center action.
dropdownContentReactNodeProp to provide dropdown to footer action item. Please use only with the Resource Center action.


((isOpen: boolean) => void)
(() => void)
Data attributes can be used by testing libraries to retrieve components or assert their existence
* - the prop is required.