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Releases 🚀

Stay up to date with changes to the component library!

Release notes of the design-tokens package can be found here.

19.1.0 (February 19th, 2025)




  • Documentation has been added to help CursorAI and Copilot’s use of component props. (Ticket FECORE-502).

19.0.0 (February 10th, 2025)

Breaking changes

  • Retired App Icon from ATLAS components. (Ticket FECORE-442).


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with the unit test coverage report not working has been resolved. Coverage reporting process has been automated and unit test optimizations have been performed on many components. (Ticket ATLAS-968).

18.1.0 (December 19th, 2024)



  • Updated documentation for extra layer Tooltip example usecase with disabledWrapper Tooltip component. (Ticket ATLAS-1151).

18.0.0 (November 27th, 2024)

Breaking changes

  • This improvement includes a breaking changes to the measureRow(rowIndex, cellIndex) in Row with Auto Height. New change is measureRow(rowId, cellIndex), you need to replace rowIndex to rowId.


17.9.0 (November 15th, 2024)


Bug Fixes

17.8.0 (October 31th, 2024)


  • The toggleTooltip prop has been renamed to toggleButtonTooltip. SidePanel component. (Ticket ATLAS-1182).

Bug Fixes

17.7.0 (24th October, 2024)


Bug Fixes

17.6.0 (October 17th, 2024)


17.5.0 (October 15th, 2024)


Bug Fixes

17.4.0 (October 9th, 2024)


Bug Fixes


17.3.0 (October 2nd, 2024)


Bug Fixes

17.2.0 (September 11th, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed performance issue with Tabs and Shift key in ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-1142).

17.1.0 (September 5th, 2024)


17.0.0 (August 29th, 2024)

Breaking changes

  • Added custom hook useTableColumnMeasurement to customize The Initial Column Widths to TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-1069).

This improvement includes breaking changes about the initialMinWidth, initialMaxWidth and isAutoWidth in TableV2. You need to use custom hook useTableColumnMeasurement to implement these features.


This improvement includes a breaking change about prop url of array items in Tabs. You need to replace url with href to create a link item.


This improvement includes breaking changes about the ActionMenuItem of Account, LanguageItem of LanguageSelector. You need to use MenuItem to render the action menu item for both Account and LanguageSelector.


Bug Fixes

16.7.0 (August 1st, 2024)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed auto resetting state of selectedRowIds and expanded in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-1125).

16.6.0 (July 23rd, 2024)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the color of listing style in Banner component. (Ticket ATLAS-1081).
  • Replaced onClickTooltipAction by onClickToAction for Navigation Items in SidePanel component. (Ticket ATLAS-1099).

16.5.0 (June 18th, 2024)


16.4.0 (June 11th, 2024)


16.3.0 (June 5th, 2024)


16.2.0 (May 24th, 2024)


  • Added support control the height of the options Menu in the ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-1083).

16.1.0 (May 23rd, 2024)


  • Added Rolling vs Static feature in DatePickerButton component. (Ticket ATLAS-949).
  • Added support to show tooltip when label is long in Tabs component. (Ticket ATLAS-636).
  • Added onTitleBlur callback when Editable PageHeader is active and blured in PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-1071).
  • Added new prop stickyRowSelection to set checkboxes column sticky in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-1047).

Bug Fixes

16.0.0 (April 25th, 2024)

Breaking changes

  • Improved measurement hooks of Custom Initial Width and Row with Auto Height in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-1043).
  • This improvement includes a breaking changes to the measureRow(rowIndex) in Row with Auto Height. You need to add one more param measureRow(rowIndex, cellIndex) with cellIndex is the cell/column index.



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the measurement of header when setting autoWidth in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-963).

15.13.0 (March 26th, 2024)


  • Action Center icon added to the BrandIcon component. (Ticket ATLAS-1027).
  • Added isFooterless prop to allow to use TableV2 component without footer. (Ticket: ATLAS-1031).
  • invalid item option added to the SequenceMap component. (Ticket ATLAS-883).
  • Badge component added to the Title of the Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-890).
  • contentless feature is added to the Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-1022).
  • The notification button is removed from PageHeader actions if notifications are not provided. isNotificationsDisabled prop added to control the disabled state of the Notifications button. (Ticket ATLAS-966).
  • Question icon is replaced with the Info icon in Accordion component's title. (Ticket ATLAS-960).
  • Custom data-testid added for the Previous and Next selectors to the DateRangePicker component. (Ticket ATLAS-1012).

15.12.0 (March 19th, 2024)


  • Select component removed from the library. (Ticket ATLAS-931).
  • Select component is replaced with the ComboBox component in documentation. (Ticket ATLAS-1020).

15.11.1 (March 15th, 2024)


  • Fixed the Header navigation position when text is huge in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-840).
  • Added NetworkCheckmark to icon library in Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-1014).
  • Added background-color, notification badge and dropdown to the SidePanel component. (Ticket ATLAS-1011).

15.10.0 (March 13th, 2024)


15.9.0 (March 1st, 2024)

  • This release includes breaking changes to the size support in FilterButton


Breaking changes

  • Added support for anchor and list elements sizes as size and menuSize respectively in FilterButton. (Ticket ATLAS-943).


  • Added a condition to prevent header actions from rendering if it's not provided to the TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-973)
  • Added type attribute support to primary button of the PageFooter component. (Ticket ATLAS-946).
  • Introduced new Timepicker component. (Ticket ATLAS-892).
  • Added new platform icons to Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-964).

15.8.0 (February 16th, 2024)


Bug fixes

15.7.0 (February 7th, 2024)


Bug fixes

15.6.0 (January 24th, 2024)


15.5.0 (December 27th, 2023)


15.4.0 (December 12th, 2023)


15.3.0 (November 28th, 2023)


  • Added new size x-large to Modal component. (Ticket ATLAS-891).
  • Added free input variant documentation to ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-608).
  • Added unstickResolution feature for the unstickThreshold to TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-797).

15.2.0 (November 15th, 2023)


15.1.0 (November 7th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

15.0.0 (October 27th, 2023)

  • This release includes breaking changes to the multi-lingual text support in Pagination component, and includes improved Flex layout in TableV2

  • flexGrow is retired from column option in TableV2 component. And width is used as both the flex-basis and flex-grow in Flex Layout.


Breaking changes

  • Added pageLevel, totalItemsInfoLabel as mandatory props to support mutli-lingual text in Pagination component. (Ticket ATLAS-524).
  • Improved Flex Layout in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-881).


  • Removed visual-regression-tests with puppeteer and updated cypress visual-tests. (Ticket ATLAS-877).
  • Added analysis background illustration to EmptyState component. (Ticket ATLAS-872).
  • Added compact property to TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-859).
  • Fixed options open with single selection when multi-limit is provided in ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-871).
  • Removed Body when no children are specified in Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-852).
  • Added Notifications feature to PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-705).
  • Changed the nav-items styles in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-842).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue of flex layout with the fixed column width in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-849).

14.4.0 (October 18th, 2023)


  • Added Visual Tests with Cypress and Remote Docker. (Ticket ATLAS-869).
  • Updated height to support string value in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-873).
  • Updated `Visual Tests`` with Cypress and Remote Docker. (Ticket ATLAS-875).

14.3.1 (October 12th, 2023)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed vertical scrolling issue with full-height and fixed-height in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-870).

14.3.0 (October 10th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

14.2.0 (October 4th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue of maximum update depth exceeded in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-850).
  • Fixed the styling issue for headerActions and isAutoWidth usage in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-861).

14.1.0 (September 19th, 2023)


  • Updated badgeLabel prop to show the optional badge with Default Layout in PageHeader component with kind="default" or kind="wizard".
  • Add new Layout component. (Ticket ATLAS-377).

Bug Fixes

  • Bumped react-toastify to the latest version to avoid runtime errors caused by the dependency. (Ticket ATLAS-860)

14.0.0 (September 15th, 2023)

This release includes breaking changes to the search config in PageHeader component. :::

Breaking changes

Bug Fixes

  • Removed defaultValue and shouldClearSearch from the search config in PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-825)


13.13.0 (September 7th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

13.12.0 (August 31st, 2023)


Bug Fixes

13.11.0 (August 29th, 2023)


13.10.1 (August 23rd, 2023)


  • Add headerActions to column to support additional actions for the Header in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-716).

Bug Fixes

13.9.0 (August 21st, 2023)


Bug Fixes

  • Removed the title value from nested row content hover in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-828).
  • Fixed unstickThreshold not working properly in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-832).

13.8.0 (August 14th, 2023)


Bug Fixes


  • Add data attribute support for cypress test case pages to TestCase component. (Ticket ATLAS-824).

13.7.4 (August 7th, 2023)

Bug Fixes

13.7.3 (August 4th, 2023)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed expanded row indentation, as well as the expand line alignment in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-811).
  • Fixed the issue related to Lodash in Tabs component and able to use ATLAS in Astro. (Ticket ATLAS-719).
  • Added data-testid to search input, reset, apply buttons in PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-680).
  • Fixed the spacing gaps between the title area and the tab bar or filters bar in the PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-734).
  • Fixed Auto width columns and unstickThreshold issues in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-794, ATLAS-795, ATLAS-715, ATLAS-732).

13.7.2 (August 1st, 2023)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the dropdown not working when tabs are enabled in ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-809).
  • Fixed missed text-overflow property in Input component. (Ticket ATLAS-806).

13.7.1 (July 28th, 2023)

Bug Fixes

13.7.0 (July 25th, 2023)


  • Implemented Nested Rows with Navigation in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-696).

13.6.0 (July 20th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

13.5.1 (July 11th, 2023)

Bug Fixes

13.5.0 (July 5th, 2023)


  • Added Key and KeyFilled Icons in Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-722).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed isAutoWidth issue if the cell content is not only text in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-713).
  • Fixed: onClose callback bug in header popover in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-721).
  • Fixed: onColumnResized does not work if accessor is a function in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-703)

13.4.0 (June 23rd, 2023)


  • Added onClose callback in header popover in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-709).
  • Added full-height option to height prop in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-712).

Bug Fixes


  • Change height type to number | 'full-height' in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-712).

13.3.1 (June 16th, 2023)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: header menu closes when clicking on submenu in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-699).
  • Fixed the width issue in Tile component to fit the icons and sidebar. (Ticket ATLAS-661).
  • Fixed: footer is hidden if emptyState is provided in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-701).
  • Fixed the button order in PageFooter component. (Ticket ATLAS-698).
  • Fixed generic type issues in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-682).

13.3.0 (June 13th, 2023)


  • Added support for Group Borders using areColumnGroupsBordered prop in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-350).
  • Updated throw error behavior with console.warn in SequenceMap component. (Ticket ATLAS-589).

Bug Fixes

  • Reverted the isModalOpen addition in ModalContext in Modal component. (Ticket ATLAS-691).
  • Fixed the isModalOpen to stop re-create actions in Modal component. (Ticket ATLAS-689).
  • To improve contrast, removed blue background color on selected SelectableTile component. (Ticket ATLAS-690).
  • Fixed onClick issue on checkbox label in FilterButton component. (Ticket ATLAS-693).

13.2.1 (June 9th, 2023)

Bug Fixes

13.2.0 (June 9th, 2023)


  • Updated all background and key icons in EmptyState component. (Ticket ATLAS-665).
  • Added 3 new icons (PlusBoxed, MinusBoxed, RemoveItems) to Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-684).
  • Added unstickThreshold, to TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-678).
  • Added isModalOpen to Modal context. (Ticket ATLAS-683).
  • Added new icons (ScheduledReport, ScheduledReportFilled) to Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-685).
  • Added responsive styles to PageFooter component and improved aria role attributes. (Ticket ATLAS-500).

Bug Fixes

13.1.0 (May 26th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

13.0.0 (May 25th, 2023)

Breaking changes

  • Added truncateTokens and updated multiLimit to manage the scrollbar and truncating the multi-value-chips in ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-588).

To make everything work normally, just add truncateTokens to the props.


  • Updated Tabs component to show selected tab to be in view. (Ticket ATLAS-625).
  • Added clearTestId to test Clear button in the Input component. (Ticket ATLAS-596).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sticky columns and infinite loader overflow issue in TableV2 component with responsive styles and landmark role. (Ticket ATLAS-587).
  • Fixed clear search issue in FilterButton component. (Ticket ATLAS-670).

12.18.0 (May 22nd, 2023)


Bug fixes

12.17.0 (May 19th, 2023)


Bug fixes

12.16.0 (May 12th, 2023)


12.15.0 (April 28th, 2023)


  • Disabled Button styles updated for all kinds except floating kind buttons. (Ticket ATLAS-558).

Bug fixes

12.14.1 (April 26th, 2023)

Bug fixes

12.14.0 (April 25th, 2023)



  • Added feature Custom Initial Widths (initialMinWidth, initialMaxWidth, isAutoWidth) to TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-201 and ATLAS-603).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed undefined accessor error on column resizing TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-618).
  • Fixed isOpenDefault initial render issue in ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-613).
  • Fixed border issue when sticky on Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-627).

12.13.0 (April 18th, 2023)

Dependency Updates

  • Updated the Node engine (PR).



  • Added documentation for Page level scrolling on TableV2 with an example. (Ticket ATLAS-605).
  • Added header groups and hideHeaderGroupTitle to TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-604).
  • Fixed issue GreyBackgroundHeader doesn't display properly in TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-606).

12.12.0 (April 6th, 2023)



  • Added new hasPadding prop to set default padding on TableV2 with an example for custom backgroundCell. (Ticket ATLAS-598)

12.11.0 (April 4th, 2023)


12.10.0 (March 31st, 2023)

Bug fixes


12.8.0 (March 27th, 2023)


  • Updated the styles for the h2, h4 and subline variants in Text component. (Ticket ATLAS-573).
  • Updated the cursor to clickable when hovered in FileUploader component. (Ticket ATLAS-570).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed tooltip position issue of customIcon in Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-573).
  • Fixed mouse events of disabled wrapper in Tooltip component. (Ticket ATLAS-576).


12.7.0 (March 9th, 2023)


  • UpdatedTabs component to show navigation arrows on smaller screen, and added max-width for smaller screens. (Ticket ATLAS-553).
  • Add accessibility features to FilterButton component. (Ticket ATLAS-495).
  • Added iconPosition, customIcon, customIconSize, description props to Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-565) and (Ticket ATLAS-559).
  • Added BannerPositionTop and BannerPositionBottom icons to Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-566).
  • Added isLoading to ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-572).
  • Updated the scroll offset if not fixed position in PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-538).

Bug fixes


12.6.0 (February 21st, 2023)


Bug Fixes

12.5.0 (February 17th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

12.4.0 (February 14th, 2023)



12.3.0 (February 8th, 2023)


12.2.0 (February 2nd, 2023)


Bug Fixes

  • Fix flickering issue in datascape with PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-529).
  • Fixed unstickThreshold issue in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-79).


12.0.0 (January 26th, 2023)

Breaking changes

  • Updated updateModal() callback in Modal component. (Ticket ATLAS-485).

To overwrite all the props of Modal, you should have the second argument in updateModal.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed shadow issue when no horizontal scrolling in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-389).

  • Fixed resizable and draggable issue in Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-513).

11.13.0 (January 18th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

11.12.0 (January 13th, 2023)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Popover behaviour on HeaderCell of Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-477).
  • Fixed clicking issue of Header Menu in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-486).

11.11.0 (January 11th, 2023)


  • Added new features and implemented new design to ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-448).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed automatic expansion of next row after deleting an expanded row in the Table by exposing toggleRowExpanded and toggleAllRowsExpanded in column Cell render prop. (Ticket ATLAS-528).

  • Fixed popover position update on PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-478).


11.10.0 (December 22nd, 2022)


Bug Fixes


11.9.0 (December 21st, 2022)


  • Added firstColumnLeftPadding & lastColumnRightPadding props under visualProperties on Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-381).

11.8.0 (December 20th, 2022)


  • Updated styles of tertiary kind in Button component. (Ticket ATLAS-462).
  • Prevented auto row expand state update on Table component data changes. (Ticket ATLAS-467).


11.7.0 (December 14th, 2022)


  • Added new prop emptyState in Table component to support Empty State component. (Ticket ATLAS-102).
  • Added disabled and icon support to Action buttons in PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-463).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed large variant font-size of Breadcrumbs component. (Ticket ATLAS-465).
  • Prevent HeaderMenu opening when resizing column in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-444).
  • Fixed onClear callback of Search component to be called in PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-470).


  • Added virtualized rows and dynamic height calculation to TableV2. (Ticket ATLAS-451).

11.6.0 (December 8th, 2022)


  • Updated description in Banner component to support functional components. (Ticket ATLAS-452).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Header Group title overlay on hover in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-445).

11.5.0 (December 5th, 2022)


  • Introduced PageHeader component. (Ticket ATLAS-417).
  • Added showOverflow prop to Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-449).
  • Added hideHeaderGroupTitle prop for hiding header group title in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-267).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing Header border in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-447).

11.4.0 (November 29th, 2022)


  • Added name attribute to Textarea component.

11.3.0 (November 28th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rowSize feature in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-443).


  • Added an example of how to work with checkbox list to Accordion component. (Ticket ATLAS-439).

11.2.0 (November 18th, 2022)



11.1.0 (November 15th, 2022)


11.0.0 (November 11th, 2022)

Breaking changes

  • Removed height: 100% from Tile component to fix display flex issue. (Ticket ATLAS-425).

To adjust the height of Tile, you should use css={{ height: 100%}}


  • Added an example usecase for multi-creatable kind with onBlur handler in ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-423)
  • Added height prop to Textarea component. (Ticket ATLAS-422)
  • Added measureRows function to Table column Cell render prop. (Ticket ATLAS-437)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix flickering scroll issue when autoRowsHeight prop is used in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-437)

10.2.0 (November 8th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

10.1.0 (November 2nd, 2022)


Bug Fixes

10.0.2 (October 31st, 2022)

Bug Fixes

10.0.1 (October 25th, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with rendering Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-416)

10.0.0 (October 24th, 2022)

Breaking changes

  • Updated css prop in Tile component and removed style and className prop. Updated usage of Tile component in SelectableTile component. (Ticket ATLAS-386)


9.1.0 (October 20th, 2022)


Bug Fixes


9.0.0 (October 13th, 2022)

Breaking changes

  • Removed hardcoded optional text in showOptionalText prop and replaced the prop with optionalText need to pass value. Changes effected in ComboBox, Input,FileUploader, Select and Textarea components. (Ticket ATLAS-394).


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the border of Header Group in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-385).
  • Fixed header and cell center alignment in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-398)

8.24.0 (October 12th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Remove previously uploaded file when multiple prop is false for FileUploader component. (Ticket ATLAS-295)

8.23.0 (October 10th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the display of Header Group Column with flexGrow in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-353).

8.22.0 (October 6th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Removed scroll blocking from Table component in isLoading=false mode. (Ticket ATLAS-368).
  • Fixed incorrect height on Input with the prefix and suffix. (Ticket ATLAS-369).
  • Fixed the header justify-content issue in Table (Ticket ATLAS-262).
  • Removed outline in Modal component in focus-visible mode. (Ticket ATLAS-352).
  • Fixed conditional tooltip for StatusIndicator component. (Ticket ATLAS-374).

8.21.0 (September 30th, 2022)


Bug Fixes


  • Added dnd column re-ordering feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-181).

8.20.0 (September 29th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

8.19.0 (September 27th, 2022)


  • Added multiple column support to activeSorting prop for Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-345).


8.18.0 (September 22nd, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed disabledWrapper prop for disabled in Tooltip component. (Ticket ATLAS-351).

8.17.0 (September 21st, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed accessor prop to support type function on Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-289).

8.16.2 (September 20th, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Reverted css prop implementation on Tile component. (Ticket ATLAS-346).

8.16.1 (September 19th, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Added dynamic dataTestId to Tabs component items and data-* added to component wrapper. (Ticket ATLAS-342).
  • Fixed css prop implementation on Tile component to providing custom styles to component container. (Ticket ATLAS-340).

8.16.0 (September 16th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

8.15.0 (September 15th, 2022)


  • Added isEditable prop to Column in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-306).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed content width issue of Table component's rowSize=medium option. (Ticket ATLAS-309).

8.14.1 (September 14th, 2022)


8.13.0 (September 13th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Added Cell padding for editable mode in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-306).

8.12.0 (September 5th, 2022)


  • Added Inline editing feature to Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-204).


  • Added column resizing feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-180).
  • Added isHoverable prop to TableV2 for highlighting rows on hover. (Ticket ATLAS-186).

8.11.0 (August 31st, 2022)


  • Implemented new Pagination component. (Ticket ATLAS-247).
  • Added Warning note for retiring the measureRowsCount in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-266).

Bug Fixes

8.10.0 (August 30th, 2022)


8.9.0 (August 29th, 2022)


8.8.0 (August 26th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Step circle's form fixed in Sequence Map component. (Ticket ATLAS-286).
  • Fixed input breaking issue when setting prefix and smaller custom width in Input component. (Ticket ATLAS-287).


  • Added custom minWidth and maxWidth feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-182).

8.7.0 (August 25th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

8.6.0 (August 24th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

  • Action argument made optional in onChange function of ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-284).
  • Updated Table component TypeScale type to have optional cellTypeScale, headerTypeScale and footerTypeScale. (Ticket ATLAS-276).


  • Added visualProperties feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-187).
  • Added rowOnClickHandler feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-193).
  • Added typeScales feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-183).
  • Added loading state feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-195).

8.5.0 (August 22nd, 2022)


  • Prevented scrolling in loading state Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-238).

Bug Fixes


  • Added Headerless feature to the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-202)

8.4.0 (August 22nd, 2022)


Bug Fixes


8.3.0 (August 18th, 2022)


Bug Fixes

8.2.2 (August 17th, 2022)

Bug Fixes

8.2.1 (August 16th, 2022)

Bug Fixes

8.2.0 (August 15th, 2022)


  • Added Device, DeviceTablet and DeviceTabletMobile icons to Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-259).
  • Added generic type to the Table props. (Ticket: ATLAS-257).

8.1.0 (August 12th, 2022)


  • Implemented loading more data (aka infinite loading) for Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-237).

8.0.0 (August 11th, 2022)

Breaking changes

  • The weight prop is removed from Icon component. Added AppGrid, CheckBold, ChevronRightBold, ChevronRightDouble, ChevronLeftBold, ChevronLeftDouble, CrossFilled, Hourglass LoadingSpinner, MinusBold and Money Icons. (Ticket ATLAS-230).

7.40.1 (August 10th, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed header type error in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-256).

7.40.0 (August 10th, 2022)


  • Added base styles to TableV2 component. (Ticket ATLAS-179).
  • Added header groups feature to Table component and prevented dnd between grouped and ungrouped columns. (Ticket ATLAS-148).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with PageLevelScrolling and isHeaderless in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-223).
  • Fixed issue with Google Play Platform Icon to fill the default color. (Ticket ATLAS-252).

7.39.0 (August 8th, 2022)


7.38.1 (August 8th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with Tile Tile component not showing the border radius. (Ticket ATLAS-249).

7.38.0 (August 4th, 2022)


  • Added generic type support for Table component's data prop. (Ticket ATLAS-232).
  • Added Measurer component. component to measure component performance. (Ticket ATLAS-244).
  • Updated Table component to let user apply custom backgrounds to cells. (Ticket ATLAS-236).

7.37.1 (August 1st, 2022)

Bug fixes

7.37.0 (July 28th, 2022)


7.36.0 (July 26th, 2022)


7.35.0 (July 22nd, 2022)


7.34.0 (July 21st, 2022)


  • Updated the unit tests for DateRangePicker component. (Ticket ATLAS-39)
  • Added onClick prop to Badge component. (Ticket ATLAS-169)
  • Added suffix prop to Input component and updated prefix to not have any character limits. (Ticket ATLAS-165)
  • Updated Table documents for nested objects accessor. (Ticket ATLAS-228)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Tooltip not showing for ComboBox component. (Ticket ATLAS-39
  • Fixed issue with the flickering HeaderPopOver in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-218)

7.33.0 (July 6th, 2022)


7.32.0 (July 1st, 2022)


  • Changed month format for Japanese DatePickerButton component. (Ticket ATLAS-177)
  • Updated Table component doc to include accessor passing with special characters example. (Ticket ATLAS-166)
  • Disabled text selection in Button component. (Ticket ATLAS-144)

Bug fixes

  • Forward all properties to action buttons of Modal component. (Ticket ATLAS-206)
  • Fixed issue with the Column reorder updating in Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-158)
  • Fixed disabled issue of Button component, (Ticket ATLAS-159)
  • Fixed children type error of Text component and List component, (Ticket ATLAS-209)

7.31.0 (June 23rd, 2022)


  • Added new Typography Text component. (Ticket ATLAS-54)
  • Expose ability to disable global filtering for a specific column for Table component (Ticket ATLAS-175)
  • Add hasGreyBackgroundRow disableRowBorder disableHeaderRowBorder visual properties for Table component (Ticket ATLAS-170)
  • Enable the Table component to show a menu by clicking on the column header title. (Ticket ATLAS-153)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with width returned for onColumnResized prop for Table component (Ticket ATLAS-172)
  • Fixed issue with Table HeaderCell measurement due to text clamp (Ticket ATLAS-174)
  • Fixed issue with measureRowCount for Table component not measuring longest cell (Ticket ATLAS-176)

7.30.1 (June 21th, 2022)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue of showing Tooltip for Switch component (Ticket ATLAS-152)
  • Fixed zebra striped rows from switching rows due to virtualization during scrolling of the Table] rows. (Ticket ATLAS-157])


  • Created skeleton of the new Table component TableV2 Component (Ticket ATLAS-133)

7.29.0 (June 16th, 2022)


  • Updated the Local linking documentation (Ticket ATLAS-125)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed react-select upgrading typescript issue in ComboBox component (Ticket ATLAS-38)

7.28.1 (June 14th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed input's width to be 100% when ComboBox component is in input kind so that it looks like a usual input element and allows selecting text an any place. Also, disables menuShouldBlockScroll to allow the page being scrolled when menu is opened (Ticket ATLAS-15)

7.28.0 (June 14th, 2022)


  • Upgrading react-select to the latest version for ComboBox. (Ticket ATLAS-38)
  • Allow tabs in ComboBox to be sticky when scrolling through options (Ticket ATLAS-156)
  • Added floating kind to Button component and improved unit tests (Ticket ATLAS-15)

7.27.0 (June 13th, 2022)


  • Allows editing ComboBox input value even when the value has been selected from the dropdown options (Ticket DEX-2214)

7.26.0 (June 10th, 2022)


7.25.0 (June 9th, 2022)


7.24.0 (June 8th, 2022)


  • Introduces kind="input" for Combobox component to allow users type any kind of text even when it's not listed in the list of options (Ticket DEX-1574)
  • Added tooltip to Input, Select and Textarea and Combobox components.
  • Added unit tests to MenuDivider and MenuItem (Ticket ATLAS-52)
  • Added initialMinWidth & initialMaxWidth property to Table column (Ticket ATLAS-104)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed StarFilled Icon having a fixed color. (Ticket ATLAS-146)
  • Remove hover state for stripe visual properties on Table], (Ticket ATLAS-147)

7.23.1 (June 1st, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • 6.1.0v of the Design tokens are released

7.23.0 (May 31st, 2022)


7.22.0 (May 30th, 2022)


  • Added formatSelectedOption to ComboBox to allow customizing tooltip shown when you hover on the selected option. (Ticket ATLAS-134)
  • Added custom controls showSearch and showSelectAll to FilterButton component. (Ticket ATLAS-86)
  • Added Google Play Platform Icon to Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-110)

7.21.0 (May 27th, 2022)


  • Test coverage badge updated.

7.20.0 (May 27th, 2022)


  • Changed date formats for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Russian languages on DatePickerButton component for month and date range values. (Ticket: ATLAS-107).

  • Added defaultValue prop to Input component (Ticket ATLAS-46).

  • Introduced typeScales to enforce specific font-size, line-height and letter-spacing values for any of the Table header cell, body cell and footer cells. (Ticket ATLAS-95)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed dark Icon Button colors and added a dark highlighted variant. (Ticket ATLAS-139).
  • Fixed the issue of Breadcrumbs component to support react-router-dom Link component in case of needing the url not to refresh the page (Ticket ATLAS-36).

7.19.0 (May 25th, 2022)


  • Updated Breadcrumbs component to support react-router-dom Link component in case of needing the url not to refresh the page (Ticket ATLAS-36).

7.18.0 (May 24th, 2022)


  • Updated Table component to have stronger separation between fixed and scrolling columns (Ticket ATLAS-106).

  • Added isHoverable to Table allowing hover highlighting to be toggled on and off. (Ticket ATLAS-98).

Bug fixes

7.17.0 (May 23rd, 2022)


  • Added isLoading prop to Table component to show loading state (Ticket ATLAS-103).

  • Updated Table component to show long text on two lines and truncate the second line with ellipsis when text overflows. It also improved drag&drop by preserving original header column width while dragging any column (Ticket ATLAS-92).


  • Added documentation for Table column resize constraint (Ticket ATLAS-104)

7.16.2 (May 20th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Updated peerDependencies to be compatible for react 17.x and 18.x minor versions (Ticket ATLAS-138).

7.16.1 (May 20th, 2022)


  • Added as prop to Button component for URL navigation (Ticket ATLAS-113).
  • Introduces alignHeader property for Table columns to allow aligning header cell and column cells independently. (Ticket ATLAS-94).
  • Added an ordered array of accessors as a first argument of onColumnRearrange callback property for Table component. (Ticket ATLAS-120).

7.15.0 (May 18th, 2022)


  • Snackbar component updated with a new prop named isClosable and also the style changed to dark Snackbar. (Ticket ATLAS-33).
  • Button component updated with a dark kind Button. (Ticket ATLAS-124).
  • IconButton component updated updated with a dark kind IconButton. (Ticket ATLAS-123).
  • Added Zebra-striped rows to Table. (Ticket ATLAS-93).
  • Docusaurus plugins updated to the latest version (Ticket ATLAS-132).
  • concurrently updated to the latest version (Ticket ATLAS-130).
  • Rollup, Rollup postCSS and Rollup typescript plugin updated to the latest version (Ticket ATLAS-129).

7.14.0 (May 17th, 2022)


  • Added List, StarFilled Icons and Updated FilterActive Icon in the Icon component. (Ticket ATLAS-35).
  • @commitlint/cli and husky updated to the latest version.
  • Docusaurus updated to the latest version (Ticket ATLAS-128).

7.13.0 (May 16th, 2022)


Bug fixes

  • Generates unique class names for each version of Atlas Components to avoid any collisions when multiple versions are in use in MFE applications (Ticket ATLAS-109).

7.12.1 (May 13th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Pass onClick handler to Button when href prop is passed to the component (Ticket ATLAS-113)

7.12.0 (May 12th, 2022)


Bug fixes

7.11.0 (May 12th, 2022)


  • Expose formatOptionLabel prop for customizing comboBox options ComboBox (Ticket ATLAS-117).

7.10.1 (May 11th, 2022)

Bug fixes

7.10.0 (May 11th, 2022)


7.9.0 (May 10th, 2022)


7.7.1 (May 5th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Table column header truncation (Ticket DEX-1886).
  • Updated Modal close button to not be focused by default via heuristics Modal (Ticket: ATLAS-85).

7.7.0 (May 4th, 2022)


7.5.0 (May 2nd, 2022)


  • Align feature added to Flex Table cells (Ticket: ATLAS-77).

Bug fixes

  • Same css classes for different versions of Atlas (Ticket: ATLAS-109).

7.4.0 (April 28th, 2022)


  • Floating UI version updated to the latest (Ticket: ATLAS-108).

7.3.2 (April 28th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fix data-testid of undefined on table headers wrapper (Ticket: DEX-1907).

7.3.1 (April 27th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • PeerDepencies updated for React 17 support. (Ticket: ATLAS-105).

7.3.0 (April 27th, 2022)


  • Updated Icon component to accept design tokens as color Icon. (Ticket: ATLAS-24).

7.2.1 (April 26th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Tile component header height changes with and without actions Tile. (Ticket: ATLAS-78).

7.2.0 (April 25th, 2022)


  • Added a type definition to non-type children components. (Ticket ATLAS-87)
  • Refactor of ComboBox component with new UI improvements. (Ticket ATLAS-68).
  • Updated husky to the new version and added new husky pre-commit and commintlint hooks (Ticket ATLAS-82)
  • Added use case example with the data-testid for the ActionMenu (Ticket ATLAS-67)
  • Added platform tv icons to Icon items. (Ticket ATLAS-72)
  • Updated Banner component to allow ReactElement and string as description (Ticket ATLAS-62)
  • Added documentation for the two page templates: Wizard and Standard Page ATLAS-41

7.1.0 (April 21th, 2022)


  • Added dataTestId prop to the Breadcrumbs items. (Ticket ATLAS-27)
  • Added React version 18 and updated docusaurus, testing library and it's types (Ticket ATLAS-49)

7.0.0 (April 19th, 2022)

Breaking changes

  • Label usage has changed for the following components. Labels will be used as a prop for these components, instead of using them independently. Radio, Checkbox, Switch. (Ticket ADAPP-14617)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed width for content inside Table cells. (Ticket: ADAPP-14725).

6.33.0 (April 11th, 2022)


  • Added a onRowClickHandler prop to Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14702).

Bug fixes

  • Allow using translated label 'some-selected-badge-label' for FilterButton component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14903).
  • Unset width when table pageLevelScroll and flex is enabled Table to allow header take full width. (Ticket: ADAPP-14876).

6.32.0 (April 5th, 2022)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in rendering popOverProp in an array and avoid showing footer style if props are not available Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14871).
  • Fixed a bug where wrong TypeScale variables are used in the Emtpy State. (Ticket: ADAPP-14716).
  • Fixed visual discrepancies introduced by the changed TypeScale tokens
  • Fixed custom period selection issue for DatePickerButton component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14672).


6.31.0 (March 31th, 2022)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed Tooltip rendering behind of the Table issue when using it with CopyToClipboard component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14700).
  • Fixed popover not displaying issue for Page Level scroll variant of the Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14638).
  • The Snackbar has increased zIndex value to avoid rendering it under other elements on the page. (Ticket: ADAPP-14709)
  • The Patterns and Design Foundation documentation now uses regular images instead of Figma embeds, due to multiple performance issues. (Ticket: ADAPP-14745).

6.30.1 (March 18th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed measurement issue for the Header and footer cells Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14703).

6.30.0 (March 17th, 2022)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a zindex bug for the headerPopOver on Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14618).
  • Fixed width measurement bug for table instance change on Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14722).
  • Fixed a bug on the row hover on Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14637).

6.29.0 (March 10th, 2022)


  • Added 'flexGrow' options to columns and Flex layout feature to Table component to determine how much space the desired table columns occupy compared to other columns. (Ticket: ADAPP-14353).
  • Default max-width removed from Table columns to make columns resizable to the desired width (Ticket: ADAPP-14344).

6.28.0 (March 7th, 2022)

6.27.0 (March 3, 2022)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed headerPopOver bug when combined with measure columns Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14523)

6.25.0 (February 24th, 2022)


  • Added new getHoveredRowId for getting the id of the hovered row on Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14375)
  • Added onColumnRearrange prop as callback function to perform any action after column is rearranged. Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14378)
  • Added offset prop for fine positioning of tooltip in ComboBox component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14547)

6.24.0 (February 22th, 2022)


Bug fixes

  • Added horizontal scroll for floating header and footer on Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14350)
  • ComboBox blocking error fixed for Visual Regression Tests ComboBox component (Ticket: ADAPP-14451)
  • Visual Regression tests running problem fixed for the local environments. (Ticket: ADAPP-14044)
  • Visual Regression tests resolved on Github Actions. (Ticket: ADAPP-14522)

6.23.0 (February 15th, 2022)


  • Added isOpen and parentOnClickHandler props to control headerPopover from Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14466)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Option's interface for ComboBox to allow an array of options with type GroupOptionType ComboBox component (Ticket: ADAPP-14495)

6.22.0 (February 14th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Added isDisabled and options to Option interface of ComboBox component (Ticket: ADAPP-14268)
  • Added a fix for ComboBox not taking the full width of it's parent container ComboBox component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14427).

6.21.0 (February 10th, 2022)


6.20.0 (February 7th, 2022)

Bug fixes

  • Changed implementation of HeaderPopOver on the Table component, so it works with content with ComboBox (Ticket: ADAPP-14296)

6.19.0 (February 3rd, 2022)


  • Added isHeaderless prop to allow to use Table component without headers. (Ticket: ADAPP-14271)
  • React was upgraded to version 17.0.2 and react-dom, react-types, react-dom-types versions were upgraded to the latest version. (Ticket: ADAPP-11884)

6.18.1 (January 31st, 2022)


  • Added unStickThreshold prop to allow the Table Table component to limit fixed columns exceeded the threshold value. (Ticket: ADAPP-14153)

Bug fixes

  • Added a fix for Input and placeholder overlapping the Multi Tags in ComboBox component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14385).
  • Fixed resetting resized width issue after sorting Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14314).
  • Fixed header cell and table cell text colors Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14374).
  • Fixed header cell error. Sorting action assigned to the sorting arrows Table component. (Ticket: ADAPP-14260).

6.17.0 (January 27th, 2022)


6.16.0 (January 20th, 2022)


  • Updated Typescript to 4.3.5, typescript-eslint plugins to 5.9.0 and react-docgen-typescript to 2.2.2 (Ticket: ADAPP-12378)

Bug fixes

6.15.0 (January 13th, 2022)


6.14.0 (January 10th, 2022)


  • Added a new popOver component to table header cells Table. (Ticket: ADAPP-14209)

6.13.0 (January 6th, 2022)


6.12.0 (December 30th, 2021)


Bug fixes

6.11.1 (December 27th, 2021)

Bug fixes

6.11.0 (December 23rd, 2021)


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug on input and textarea components for Firefox browsers. (Ticket: ADAPP-14191)

6.10.0 (December 16th, 2021)


Bug Fixes

6.9.0 (December 8th, 2021)


Bug Fixes

6.8.0 (December 6, 2021)


Bug fixes

6.7.0 (December 2, 2021)


6.6.0 (November 25th, 2021)


6.5.0 (November 11th, 2021)


  • Supported page-level virtual scroll for Table component. (Ticket ADAPP-13362)

6.4.0 (November 4th, 2021)


Bug fixes

  • Improved header alignment for the Table component. (Ticket ADAPP-13048)

6.3.0 (October 28th, 2021)


Bug fixes

6.2.0 (October 21th, 2021)


Bug fixes

6.1.0 (October 14th, 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a handful of cases when Tooltip component doesn't disappear. (Ticker ADAPP-8479)

6.0.0 (October 7th, 2021)

Breaking changes

  • The isColumnsBordered prop changed with the areColumnsBordered of the Table. (Ticket ADAPP-13371)


Bug fixes

5.0.2 (October 1st, 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with Table cells horizontal border not showing. (Ticket ADAPP-13366)

5.0.1 (Sep 30th, 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem with building package.

5.0.0 (Sep 29th, 2021)

Breaking changes

  • The kind property of the Table component was removed. (Ticket ADAPP-13189)


Bug fixes

4.12.0 (Sep 27th, 2021)


4.11.0 (Sep 24th, 2021)


Bug fixes

  • Added missing types for the custom cell render function in the Table component. (Ticket ADAPP-12882)

4.10.1 (Sep 20th, 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with availability of the relative options of the DatePickerButton component when minDate and maxDate are provided. (Ticket ADAPP-13110)
  • Prevented default appearance of a vertical scrollbar in the pop-over window of the DatePickerButton component. (Ticket ADAPP-13109)

4.10.0 (Sep 16th, 2021)


We plan to introduce breaking changes in the next release. The default option for the padding property of the Tile component will be renamed


  • Added the small option for the padding property of the Tile component. (Ticket ADAPP-12001)
  • Implemented step, min & max props to Input component. (Ticket ADAPP-13066)
  • Allow onSortingChange on Table component to pass only columnKey to allow user determine sorting direction. (Ticket ADAPP-13102)

4.9.0 (Sep 9th, 2021)


4.8.0 (Sep 2nd, 2021)


Bug fixes

4.7.0 (Aug 25th, 2021)


Bug fixes

  • Allowed displaying tooltip for the Button component with disabled state. (Ticket ADAPP-12096)

4.6.1 (Aug 12th, 2021)

Bug fixes

4.6.0 (Aug 12th, 2021)


Bug fixes

4.5.0 (Aug 6th, 2021)


Bug fixes

4.4.1 (July 30th, 2021)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sticky columns behavior and incorrect width measurements for footer cells for Table. (Ticket ADAPP-12582)
  • Fixed the problem when Table shows stale columns after changing them. (Ticket ADAPP-12597)

4.4.0 (July 26th, 2021)


  • Added support for native :focus-visible pseudo-class. This replaces the polyfill, which was used previously. Note that the native :focus-visible selector isn't supported on Safari (yet). (Ticket ADAPP-12385)
  • Add Panel component. (Ticket ADAPP-6080)
  • Provided sortable prop for TableColumn to enable or disable sorting behavior of the column in Table. (Ticket ADAPP-12532)

Bug fixes

  • Polished styles for the disabled state of the Atlas components. (Ticket ADAPP-11899)
  • Removed browser tooltip for the Badge component. (Ticket ADAPP-12116)
  • Fixed Total row styles for Table. (Ticket ADAPP-12533)

4.3.0 (July 13th, 2021)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a problem with incorrect header cells width measurement for Table component. (Ticket ADAPP-12327)

4.2.0 (July 1st, 2021)


Bug fixes

  • Fixed Title and Close icon overlapping on the Modal component. (Ticket ADAPP-12234)

4.1.0 (June 29th, 2021)


4.0.0 (June 11th, 2021)

Breaking changes

  • The emptyText property of the Select component was renamed to placeholder. (Ticket ADAPP-11755)


  • Added grouping option for the Select and ActionMenu components. (Ticket ADAPP-11757)
  • Selected item in Select component will always be visible after opening the menu. (Ticket ADAPP-11238)
  • Added disabled state for items of the Select and ActionMenu components. (Ticket ADAPP-11758)
  • Removed children property requirement from SnackbarProvider for the Snackbar component. (Ticket ADAPP-11678)
  • Tooltip will adapt position if it doesn't have enough space to be shown. (Ticket ADAPP-9693)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed styles for the invalid state of the Select component. (Ticket ADAPP-11679)

3.0.0 (May 26th, 2021)


  • Added ability to use submenus on the ActionMenu component. (Ticket ADAPP-10934)
  • Changed type of children prop of the Tile component to ReactNode instead of ReactElement. (Ticket ADAPP-11552)

Breaking changes

Around a year ago we introduced a way to apply custom css styles to our components via the css prop. Back then we decided to allow any css property to see how it would be used and to detect potential problems with the styles of our components. Recently, we looked through the usage of the css prop and we collected information to decide which css properties to allow. We observed that the main purpose of this prop is to enable positioning components in layouts. That's why we're now limiting its allowed styles to properties that allow positioning of components. This is also in line how Adobe's Spectrum library handles it.

To migrate to the new version of component library ensure that you provide only supported css properties to the css react prop. You can find the whole list of supported css properties here.

(Ticket ADAPP-11056)


This change enabled us to simplify our component tree and allowed us to apply these styles directly to the root element of the components. We don't wrap components in a style wrapper anymore. This should not affect you, but please let us know in case of any problems with how components are laid out on the screen

2.1.0 (May 14th, 2021)



In case you use the date range picker to select single dates replace it with the newly added single date picker

2.0.0 (April 27th, 2021)

As mentioned on our previous release, we're now removing support for the color-scheme ("dark mode"), as well as improving current components.


After research regarding the usage of the css property in our components, we decided to improve its implementation. If you have any questions or suggestions about this or any other topic, feel free to get in touch with the Atlas team. In the future, we will throw warnings about this or other major changes and deprecations.

Breaking changes

  • Removed color-scheme ("dark-mode") support. Please remove any usage of <ColorSchemeProvider /> and ColorSchemeContext (Ticket ADAPP-10963)


Bug fixes

1.0.0 (April 15th, 2021) 🎉


This is the first release that follows a semantic versioning scheme. Starting now, breaking changes will increase the major version (1.0.0), added features will increase the minor version (1.0.0) and bug-fixes will increase the patch version (1.0.0).

The version of the component library will continue to inform the version of the design tokens library.


We're phasing out dark-mode support as it is not used right now and not a priority. We will remove it in the next release. Please halt any efforts to support dark-mode in your product.


  • Added drag-and-drop and resizing support with react-grid-layout to Tile component. Check the examples in the Tile documentation. (Ticket ADAPP-9624)
  • Added data-testid to the action button of the Snackbar component. (Ticket ADAPP-10852)
  • Allowed a single date selection on our Date Range Picker component. Note: This is temporary and may be replaced by another solution in the future (Ticket ADAPP-9691)

Bug fixes

0.8.2 (March 24th, 2021)


This release includes breaking changes to the SegmentedButton component.


Bug fixes

  • Ensure that all Select items are accessible in case the list of options grows large. (Ticket ADAPP-8796)

Breaking changes

  • The Segmented Button component has been updated to a new API. Instead of receiving Segment children components, it now will receive an array of objects. (Ticket ADAPP-9160)

Before, one would have an structure like:

<Segment value="foo" label="Foo" iconOnly={true} iconName="Check" />
<Segment value="bar" label="Bar" iconName="Positive" />
<Segment value="baz" label="Baz" />

Now, with our changes, the same result can be achieved with the following code:

{ value: 'foo', label: 'Foo', iconOnly: true, iconName: 'Check' },
{ value: 'bar', label: 'Bar', iconName: 'Positive' },
{ value: 'baz', label: 'Baz' }

The array above should be pass as the items prop on the <SegmentedButton /> component.

0.8.1 (February 18th, 2021)


0.8.0 (February 1st, 2021)


This release includes breaking changes to the Icon component.


Bug fixes

  • Fix shifted Badge label in Firefox on Ubuntu (Ticket ADAPP-8526)
  • Keyboard focus styles may have been missing in certain setups that use tree-shaking. This has been fixed now. (Ticket ADAPP-8101)
  • ActionMenu & Select components were broken when rendered inside a container with overflow:hidden. Now we use react Portal within those components to avoid this problem in the future. (Tickets: ADAPP-8146 and ADAPP-8163)

Breaking changes

  • The following icons have been renamed (Ticket ADAPP-8638)
    • Megafon to Megaphone
    • HorizontalBarChart to BarChartHorizontal
    • VerticalBarChart to BarChartVertical

0.7.2 (January 19th, 2021)


  • Added Snackbar component. (Ticket ADAPP-7214)
  • Added 9 new icons to the Icon component: Sort, LettersAscending, LettersDescending, NumbersAscending, NumbersDescending, TimeAscending, TimeDescending, DotsHorizontalFilled, DotsVerticalFilled (Ticket ADAPP-7995)

0.7.1 🎅🎄 (December 18th, 2020)


  • The Select component doesn't select the first item as its default value anymore and now supports a placeholder text when no initial value is set. (Ticket ADAPP-7564)

Bug fixes

  • The width of the icon is now correct (Ticket ADAPP-7890)
  • Less console errors are thrown when an app icon isn't available. Also, the placeholder image is now shown more reliably (Ticket ADAPP-7924)

0.7.0 (December 7th, 2020)


This release includes breaking changes to the System Message component.


  • We now provide a legacy UMD module build next to the existing ES module build. This legacy build can be used in environments that don't support ES modules. Your build system should pick the appropriate build automatically. (Ticket ADAPP-7296)

  • ⚠️ Breaking change ⚠️ The System Message component has been redesigned and renamed to Banner. It now supports primary and secondary actions (Ticket ADAPP-7217)

Bug fixes

0.6.0 (November 17th, 2020)


  • Added IconButton component. (Ticket ADAPP-6654)
  • The Badge component now supports an icon and has new colors. (Ticket ADAPP-7210)
  • Added 9 new icons to the Icon component: Positive, PositiveFilled, Negative, NegativeFilled, WarningFilled, InfoFilled, Image, NotFound, FilterActive (Ticket ADAPP-7215)

Breaking changes

  • The Funnel icon was renamed to Filter
  • The Badge component has been redesigned. We cut down the amount of colors to four: neutral, negative, positive and warning.
  • To improve the accessibility of our components each form element now requires a label. We added new properties to provide labelling information to use-cases, where no visual label is shown. You can find more information about this in the newly added Accessibilitysection.
  • The icon-only variant of the Button got removed and is replaced by IconButton:
<Button iconName="Check" iconOnly size="small" label="Accept" />


<IconButton iconName="Check" size="small" aria-label="Accept" />

0.5.0 (November 4th, 2020)


This release includes breaking changes to the Icon, Select and PullDownMenu (now ActionMenu) components.


  • The module format of the component library changed from UMD to ESM. It now supports tree-shaking resulting in a much smaller package size and faster loading times for the user (Ticket ADAPP-6585)
  • In this release we overhauled of the Icon component
    • We've added 67 new icons and all icons have been re-drawn with an Adjust-specific style (Ticket ADAPP-6653)
    • You now can use any design-token color as the icon color (Ticket ADAPP-6908)
    • We've added a new icon browser with filter functionality
  • We refactored and renamed the PullDownMenu (now ActionMenu) (Ticket ADAPP-6851)
  • The Select and ActionMenu now support a description in the menu items (Ticket ADAPP-6079)

Breaking changes


We refactored the icon component to support more icons and colors. Note these four changes:


The naming pattern of icon names and icon colors have changed from train-case to PascalCase

This affects the name prop on the Icon component as well as the iconName prop on the Button, Segmented Button and Pull-down menu Item.

Here are a few examples of how the renaming affects icon names

Old formatNew format

The same goes for icon colors

Old formatNew format


Some icons have been completely renamed:

Old nameNew name


The default weight of the Icon has changed from bold to thin


The xsmall size of the icon got removed


If you are using TypeScript, the TS compiler will complain about type mismatches and tell you the places that need to be adjusted.

PullDownMenu (now Action menu)

The PullDownMenu is now called Action Menu

Action menu and Select

We slightly changed the API of these components. Now instead of the menu items and options being an array of components, they are an array of objects with the following structure:

type ItemProp = {
iconName?: IconName;
label: string;
description?: string;
onClick: () => void;
type: 'divider' | 'item';

For example, in the Action menu, if you had previously:

<PullDownMenuItem label="Accept" onClick={() => {}} iconName="Check" />,
<PullDownMenuItem label="Decline" onClick={() => {}} iconName="Cross" />,
<PullDownMenuDivider />,
<PullDownMenuItem label="Abort" onClick={() => {}} />

Now it should become:

{ label: 'Accept', onClick: () => {}, iconName: 'Check', type: 'item' },
{ label: 'Decline', onClick: () => {}, iconName: 'Cross', type: 'item' },
{ type: 'divider' },
{ label: 'Abort', onClick: () => {}, type: 'item' }

The same breaking change applies to the options of the Select. Now Select component instead of rendering its children accepts items prop of the same structure as above.

0.4.1 (October 14th, 2020)


  • Internally, some components use a generated id. This may cause failing snapshot tests. All relevant components now support a id prop to override the internal one. (Ticket ADAPP-6733)
  • Add readOnly prop to Radio and Switch component (Ticket ADAPP-6773)
  • The System Message now stretches to the full width of its container by default. The css prop isn't required for this anymore. (Ticket ADAPP-6615)

Fixed bugs

0.4.0 (October 7th, 2020)


This release includes minor breaking changes

data properties are now supported in all components

Data attributes can now be passed to any component. They will be applied to the root element within the component. These attributes may be used as test ids by testing libraries.

⚠️ Breaking: The internal location of the data-cy prop on the Input component has been changed and is now located at the root of the component. Tests may fail due to this.

(Ticket ADAPP-6304)

Other features

0.3.1 (September 18th, 2020)

Restrict access to native HTML properties of form components

Previously, any prop that was available in the underlying HTML element of a form component was available in the component's props. This has been limited. All remaining available props can now be found in the property table of the components.

The affected components are

  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Input
  • Radio
  • Switch
  • Textarea

The selection of the selected props has been made based on the current usage of these components. In case you encounter a prop that is missing for your use case please contact the design-system team.

Other features

  • Add "retry" icon to Icon component

Fixed bugs

  • Removed z-index from icons so that they don't overlap tooltips

0.3.0 (September 2nd, 2020)

  • Every component is visually tested now. This will ensure that the visual look of components won't be changed by accident. More info on this here.

Fixed bugs

0.2.2 (August 12th, 2020)

  • Add Spinner component
  • Fix onClick event propagation in Checkbox, SegmentedButton and Switch
  • Rename package from @adjust-design-system/components to @adjust/components

0.2.1 (August 6th, 2020)

  • Add "disabled" state to the Pull-Down menu
  • Fix bug where inputs do no stretch to the full width of its container
  • Add copy, clipboard icons
  • Add indeterminate state to the checkbox

0.2.0 (July 28th, 2020)

  • Update component styling based on the new design language 💅
  • Remove Heading component

0.1.0 (June 18th, 2020)

  • Pull-down menu
    • Add keyboard navigation
    • Automatically adjust menu position if it's reaching out of the screen
  • Button component polishing
  • Add minimize icon

0.0.9 (May 28th, 2020)

  • Add calendar, edit, download, trash can, chevron-left, chevron-right, maximize, plus, left arrow icons to the Icon component

0.0.8 (May 27th, 2020)

0.0.7 (May 5th, 2020)

  • Add Switch component

0.0.6 (May 4th, 2020)

  • Rename package from @adjust/spree-components to @adjust/components
  • Use @adjust/design-tokens package
  • Add a bunch of components